Saturday, February 6, 2010

How Do I Flirt With Girls On Sms SMS Flirt???????????????

SMS flirt??????????????? - how do i flirt with girls on sms

I have a GF and she loves me (I think), but this girl is sending me SMS is sweet, love is calling me and sending me smiley kiss. So I took this as a game, because we're friends and nothing else (I hope), so that your answer in the same way. Do you think that the right to do if I have gf?


Trixie Pixie said...

Well, it depends ... Flirts in the world because of his human nature.

Now my friend is Italian and flirting, as he breathes, and even though I am Italian, I'm a big flirt me. And me and my friend are very much with him because both means absolutely nothing, and that their fair share of personalities.

My friend is the nicest man on the planet and flirting with someone, I do not want to cheat or run away with another person. But what you need to ask is: How would you react if someone would send to your friend.

If you do not want to be happy, maybe I should not?

Go here people really need to judge to stop you.


Bridget said...

If you have a GF is not really a good idea.

And if she with another man?

If you have any feelings for his GF does not want to lose it, dont do it.

If you then go for it.

amon_nik... said...

yup .... Uncle wrong and dangerous

Please send an SMS ...

that can save them and show your .... GF

It is a dangerous game ...

play the simple game .... Send your answers in the usual way ... No emoticons like ... And be careful with their language ....:- D

Danielle... said...

this is wrong. his gf will dump you. should stop wasting time with this girl

bluesky said...

If it does not matter whether you have !..... GF because he flirted several times. (flirting is part of dating and love of things)

sham_dis... said...

if uu have a daughter because the girl, whose SMS SMS Girl UU thus have

CottonSw... said...

To remove your phone number before your girlfriend

PAPER. said...

Of course not = D
Why are you flirting again if you have a GF who loves you?

... Since when friends flirt? oo

flyaquar... said...

If true, that you have to rescue someone, because that's the really bad.

emdamo said...

Yes, it is bad .. I hope your gf dumps you .. How pitiful

BlahBlah... said...

this other girl sounds like she loves you.
If I say no, that.dont to do the same.
If UR GF notes will be destroyed.
as its share of fraud.
Good luck

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