Friday, February 5, 2010

Can Keratitis Be Healed Can You Still Wear Contact Lenses After Your Eyes Are Healed From Keratitis?

Can you still wear contact lenses after your eyes are healed from Keratitis? - can keratitis be healed

Keratitis, and I think tomorrow I will check my eyes, but I wonder if you still wear contacts after your eyes to be healed keratitis. If you suffered from keratitis, how long does it take to heal up?

Thank you.


chicagov... said...

I have not had keratitis, but I had corneal abrasions from contact lenses, and you say that you should be very careful when using such lenses after an eye injury. Even if the judgments of pain or inflammation, the cornea can not be repaired, or is likely to remain sensitive to foreign objects such as contacts.

In the long term, the possibility should wear contact lenses. But you should consult a doctor before using the contacts again.

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