Friday, February 5, 2010

Can Only One Parent Claim Can A Parent Claim A Student If They Were Only A Full Time Student Half A Year And The Student Is 24?

Can a parent claim a student if they were only a full time student half a year and the student is 24? - can only one parent claim

If the student was 24, after the end of the year that no longer qualified to the requirements of the age of your child, if it is disabled permanently and completely considered. If you have always provided 23 at the end of the year, then, it will meet as a full-time students for part of 5 months of the financial year as proof of age.

Even if they are not the criteria of age, your qualifying child if you can make less than $ 3400 in 2007 and has more than 50% of their support then, unless you entitled to when his parents ask for it.


Michael R said...

Yes, for the year and a half from the IRS estimates that 5 months of the year, a full-time students ..

NO, the fact that age.

So, no, it can not claim the student.

Judy said...

Half of the year would be nice, but since she is 24 too old to claim as a qualifying child. The only other possibility is that if you as a qualified relative - you can only do this if she was qualified to offer more than half of their support for the year and the gross income for the year at $ 3400th

If more than $ 3400 for the year, no, they said.

Jim W said...

Read the definitions of the IRS and qualifications should be in the brochure from the IRS.

R T said...

After 24 years, why are you still at home, money from their parents and school part time, and why not? If you take up a job that is 55? He is a student who is a leech

Katie C said...

He / she would be regarded as a burden, but they are over 18 years can not claim that unless the Financial Director, other children under the age of 18 for married couples.

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