Saturday, January 23, 2010

Replace Laptop Hard Drive Can I Replace A Laptop Hard Drive With Out An Anti-static Wrist Band?

Can I replace a laptop hard drive with out an anti-static wrist band? - replace laptop hard drive

I'm trying to replace a Mac hard drive, and the new HD was missing an antistatic wrist strap to your computer protected against electrostatic discharge. Can I okay if I wear rubber gloves or something?


jojoyoha... said...

Do not worry. Everything you need to do is ensure that you do not work in the carpet and discharge before (a hardware touch) a doorknob or something metal.

bluetooth wizard1 said...

Hello, are you?
If it is possible to install a new hard drive of a laptop without an anti-static bracelet.

because they've got it made me about 2 months
I made sure that no static charge before it spread to work.

Rubber gloves, their use is the worst. "

Only if you download touching the metal body from the inside of the laptop before.

how to send all costs to land, so the risk of damage to your laptop.

Then, after this change the boot device, you can reinstall Windows.

IAM going after a couple of useful links.

... ... ... ... ...

If you decide to use ultrawipe, you have your right before your program as dangerous, if abused.
[Read the instructions before 1].
Good luck everyone happy computing.
bluetoothwizard1 [Christopher.]

Mark L said...

Yes we can .. no problem .. Make sure you stand on the bare ground

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